December 06, 2023
PCR London Valves 2023 Physician Panel
Watch this physician panel and hear Drs Michael Reardon, Christopher Meduri, and Azeem Latib discuss the design of the DurAVR® Transcatheter Heart Valve and the paradigm-shifting hemodynamic results from the Early Feasibility Study (EFS).
Learn about:
- The single-piece, native-shaped design of the first-in-class biomimetic DurAVR® THV.
- The ComASUR® Delivery System, designed for precision and ease-of-use.
- Hemodynamic results from the DurAVR® THV Early Feasibility Study.
- DVI as a useful third hemodynamic measurement.
- Bench testing and early clinical results suggesting laminar flow from DurAVR® THV.
- The potential impact of biomimetic valve design and ADAPT®-treated anti-calcification tissue on durability.